Hi Kotsis. Thanks for your note — and indeed that’s a neat solution. When I originally setup my DigitalOcean instance of Bitwarden (prior to my Azure migration), my server at home was not stable. I hadn’t really invested in it, the disks were all different and some of them were greater than 10 years old. I didn’t store anything critical on it. It was only at the beginning of the year that I spent quite a bit of money on disks and invested the time into choosing a new OS — TrueNAS.
Regardless, I will explore some of those options you mentioned and maybe even write about it if it works well. My ultimate goal at this point is to have a stable backup platform with some VM’s / apps running on it and see where I can reduce my spend in Azure. For now, a dedicated Azure instance still gives me peace of mind, but perhaps after trying one of these solutions it will change my mind.