3..2..1 Backups!

Christopher Parker, MSc
Published in
10 min readJan 16, 2022


The past two years have been quite life-changing. Moving across the globe, learning a new language, moving to a new city, and buying a house! Much like the old adage of plumbers pipes are always leaky, as a tech professional, I let certain important things fall to the bottom of the priority list during this busy time. One of these was backups. Luckily nothing catastrophic happened, but it just as easily could have…

I won’t get into the details of why backups are important, you can take my word for it that they are — but what form should a backup take? How can you ensure that your backups are…



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Solutions & Infrastructure Architect working as a consultant. I write about real-world problems in the hope of helping others find solutions to theirs.